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ITBG hold many business partnerships with the mainstream manufactures therefore whatever software your organisation needs, be it a stable operating platform, application or management tool, ITBG can source it for you direct at the best price.

In addition ITBG will check the system requirements and ensure that:

  • Your hardware is capable of supporting the required version of the software.
  • The programmes are compatible with each other.
  • Your licensing meets the requirements of the individual manufacturers.

In many instances the software is available as a trial or we can organise a demonstration for you so that you can evaluate the capabilities of the product before you decide to purchase.

Some of the Manufacturers and Products we deal with are:

  • Microsoft - Operating Systems
  • VMWare - Visualisation
  • Tivoli - Data Management
  • Blancco - data security

VMware - visualisation

Developed from the programme which was deployed in mainframe computing in the mid-1990s, VMware is the market leader in virtualisation and is the ideal choice if you are looking to contain server sprawl, virtualise your desktop infrastructure, have contractors or users working off site, or are heavily involved in research and development where the ability to maintain a ‘library’ of configurations and software programmes are essential.

ITBG are VMware VSP accredited

Tivoli – data management

Tivoli is a suite of interlinking management tools which not only automate the management of your data, its backup and bare metal recovery, but can also manage the content of the data that you are storing, and the power consumption of your systems.

Blancco – data security

Blancco is the data erasure product for hard drives which carries the highest rating throughout the world.